Acquired by CFRA in 2021, Lowry Research has a time-tested, data-driven methodology that gives you factual and unbiased insight into the strength of markets, sectors, industries and individual securities to help you generate alpha and reduce risk in any market environment.
Technical Research
The confidence to navigate any market cycle
A foundation built on unbiased technical analysis
Delivering market analysis based solely on the law of supply and demand for more than 80 years
Identify Long-Term Trend
Identify the long-term primary market trend, specifically bull and bear markets.
Pinpoint Short-Term Trend
Identify short-term market trends so you can tactically allocate within the long-term trend.
Determine Market Demand
Organize market demand levels by sector, industry, stocks and ETFs.
Key Technical Indicators
We monitor and analyze the technical indicators for you, giving you our unbiased insight into the likely direction of the markets. Our analysis is built on the following three key technical indicators:
Supply & Demand
Proprietary Buying Power and Selling Pressure indicators
Our proprietary Supply & Demand indicators are the primary driving forces behind our analysis. These indicators allow you to quickly disaggregate the market and better visualize what is actually being traded, rather than sorting through headlines, fundamentals or the hottest name.
Market Breadth
Proprietary Operating Companies Only (OCO) indicators
Breadth indicators show the extent that stocks are participating in market advances. Our proprietary Operating Companies Only (OCO) indicators provide the most accurate picture of market breadth by excluding trading activity of things like preferred stocks, ADRs and bond proxies.
Market Momentum
Quickly determine market participation
Momentum indicators help you identify significant market bottoms as well as in measuring the quality of subsequent rallies by giving you insight into the percentage of stocks that are in upward or downward trends.
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