Along with relevant trailing analysis, our unique approach to ETF and mutual fund ratings incorporates forward-looking indicators to identify funds with the highest likelihood of outperformance.
ETF & Mutual Fund Research
A transparent, forward focused approach to fund insights
Fund insights focused on the future, not the past
Tired of choosing funds based on solely valuation and past performance?
Global Coverage
Global coverage of nearly 2,500 ETFs and more than 15,000 mutual funds using CFRA’s unique holdings-based methodology and the industry’s most comprehensive ETF database.
Differentiated Approach
Methodology uses advanced machine-learning techniques along with a blend of our forensic and fundamental approaches, including earnings quality scores and our proprietary Stock Appreciation Ranking System (STARS).
We offer transparency into our methodology and performance so you can rest easy by gaining a comprehensive understanding of our approach.
Forward focused and predictive ratings
ETF & Mutual Fund Ratings
Our ratings methodology reflects the unique nature of both ETF and mutual funds, without forcing either into a box that doesn’t fit.
Along with relevant trailing analysis, our unique approach to fund ratings uses advanced machine-learning techniques to account for critical factors across reward, risk, and cost categories to assess a fund’s position relative to its peers.
Funds are then ranked from five-stars (highest) to one-star (lowest), to identify funds with the highest and lowest probability of outperformance relative to peers over the next 12 months.
Confidently choose ETF and mutual fund investments
ETF & Mutual Fund Reports
Proprietary quant based research reports and ratings for almost 2,500 ETFs and more than 15,000 mutual funds using CFRA’s unique holdings-based methodology and one of the industry’s most comprehensive ETF databases.
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MarketScope Advisor
Desktop access to our full suite of fundamental equity, ETF, and mutual fund research through our online portal, MarketScope Advisor, available with stand-alone credentials or single sign-on integration.
Atomized integration of CFRA content through our award-winning Research-as-a-Service (RaaS) API directly into your portals allows for creation of custom tools and applications across your enterprise.
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Easily ingest CFRA content through your internal workflows, processes, and platforms through a daily data feed. Multiple file formats are supported including PDF, XML, TXT, and RIXML v2.5.
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