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Sector: Energy

Solar: Shining Through the Storm Clouds

Solar: Shining Through the Storm Clouds

Fundamental, Research
Despite tighter lending conditions, Solar seen in net positive light...
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Deal Me In: The Exciting and Wacky World of Utility Mergers

Deal Me In: The Exciting and Wacky World of Utility Mergers

Policy & Legal, Research
Common risks and a brief history lesson associated with utility mergers...
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Hydrogen Update: Will Treasury Exclude Existing Nukes & Renewables?

Hydrogen Update: Will Treasury Exclude Existing Nukes & Renewables?

Policy & Legal, Research
We believe 2023 will be a foundational year for clean hydrogen development in the U.S., with two important federal issues on the horizon...
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Gas Utilities: The Pilot Light is Beginning to Flicker

Gas Utilities: The Pilot Light is Beginning to Flicker

Policy & Legal, Research
Gas utilities are facing increasing challenges to their rate base growth due to a host of policy factors...
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States and Utilities Helping Each Other Out

States and Utilities Helping Each Other Out

Policy & Legal, Research
Likely winners from Minnesota’s new law adopting a 100% clean energy mandate by 2040...
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Yearning for Yield: Utilities Sector Dividend Strategies in the Current Interest Rate Environment

Yearning for Yield: Utilities Sector Dividend Strategies in the Current Interest Rate Environment

Fundamental, Research
Income investors wonder where to turn in rising-rate, high-volatility market...
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Utilities Outlook

Utilities Outlook

Fundamental, Video
Utilities outlook in light of inflation and economic slowdown...
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Oil & Gas: Where Do We Go From Here

Oil & Gas: Where Do We Go From Here

Fundamental, Video
What investors can expect to see in 2022...
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Energy: Putin Lights a Fire Under LNG Demand

Energy: Putin Lights a Fire Under LNG Demand

Fundamental, Video
The role the U.S. natural gas industry could have in supplying Europe...
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Time to UnPLUG and Read the Footnotes

Time to UnPLUG and Read the Footnotes

Forensic, Research
PLUG is powered by questionable accounting practices...
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