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Sector: Financials

Equity Market Structure Reform – Process and Hurdles

Equity Market Structure Reform – Process and Hurdles

Policy & Legal, Research
SEC proposed equity market structure reforms would have big implications for brokers...
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Durbin Amendment 2.0: Credit Routing Competition, Senate NDAA Effort

Durbin Amendment 2.0: Credit Routing Competition, Senate NDAA Effort

Policy & Legal, Research
Odds remain low that credit card routing competition language included in NDAA...
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Coinbase in a Lose-Lose as SEC Labels More Digital Assets Securities

Coinbase in a Lose-Lose as SEC Labels More Digital Assets Securities

Policy & Legal, Research
SEC civil suit against former COIN employee puts company in bind...
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Credit Card Routing Competition Legislation Faces Low Odds [V, MA]

Credit Card Routing Competition Legislation Faces Low Odds [V, MA]

Policy & Legal, Research
Odds extremely low Congress passes new regulations on card transactions...
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Crypto Executive Order

Crypto Executive Order

Policy & Legal, Video
Recap of long-awaited crypto executive order...
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Should Investors Duck This “Goose?”

Should Investors Duck This “Goose?”

Forensic, Research
The Goose may be cooked with interesting valuation metrics and corporate governance concerns...
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Will Admiral’s Reserve Releases Prove Fleeting?

Will Admiral’s Reserve Releases Prove Fleeting?

Forensic, Research
Revisionist history on prior year loss ratios...
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Unsustainable Revenue at a Merger Target

Unsustainable Revenue at a Merger Target

Forensic, Research
EPS accretion merger targets look unrealistic...
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